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What is Ram Share?

Ram share allows you to sync emulator ram with the cloud. This allows you to have fun interfaces to play around with, and to create multiplayer elements to games that have no right to be multiplayer! Imagine playing a metroid game, where player one unlocks one item, while player two go gets another? Imagine doing a pokemon race, but your lead pokemon gets swapped instantly with your opponent! The possibilities are limitless.

What can you do with Ram Share?

So far, there have only been a few limited games created (All of them pokemon for now). A simple example is to live update your pokedex. This can be particularly good for key item races, as it can be used to track which items have been picked up. This is all a little simple, what about something more complex? Pokedex share mode, will share your pokedex with a friend, this can be good in dramatically shortening a catch em all session, or allow two team to compete against each other. Another catch em all variant, is "delay" mode. Here, only the seen pokedex is shared, but with a specified delay, allowing for a more exciting race, where no player is every fully walled.

Other ideas to come:

  • Badge Share
  • Instant trades (potentially randomly)
  • Renaming Player/Rival names
  • Renaming Pokemon
  • What's still to come?

    The sky is the limit. Ultimately, there is no limitation to the emulator, its just a matter of work. I am envisioning creating whole new categories of speed run, such as a tag team Oot.

  • GBA Support
  • SNES Support
  • N64 Support